My Office

My Office
Inspiring Work Space

Thursday, August 19, 2010


My fireplace in Auburn, Alabama
We live in a culture and society that loves to edit. Don't believe it?  We don't want to take hours or days to read a book, we'll go see the movie when it comes out (let someone else edit the parts we need to know). Written letters became shortened into emails which now are shortened down to text messages. We all know that "roflmao" is a seven word sentence, and no one minds that we don't spell out words anymore to say what we mean. R U with me? We can't be bothered to "clutter" our text messages, emails or FB posts with extra letters or words, so why do we clutter our homes/offices with unnecessary stuff? Look around you right now....what do you see that you don't need to see or even want to see? I'm not talking about things that are out of place, if they have a place, then put them away and see what's left.

As I said before, my husband and I just downsized. Not just a little bit, we reeaaallly downsized! We went from 2700 sq. ft. to just under 600 sq. ft. Some of you have heard me whining about the space, but let me tell you, it actually feels good to live so "edited". (except for the things that I've realized I needed!) We had to make some pretty tough calls about things that we loved, but now that the decisions are made and the stuff is gone, we don't actually miss it.

I literally had to think about things like, just how many pairs of underwear do I really need?! Ok, so that's maybe a little more than you needed to know about me, but the point is this...clutter, even when it's good stuff, is like noise around us. Sometimes you don't realize how noisy it is until you turn off the television and the kids are asleep! All of a sudden you think..."Wow, that silence "sounds" good!" It's the same way with the things with which we fill our homes (offices)!

Now, I'm not suggesting that you sell or give away everything you own, I'm talking about editing. Keep the very best and let go of the rest, it's like shedding a few pounds, not going anorexic. I've always been a lover of layers of accessories. My friend, Denise, pointed this out to me. I never thought about the fact that I "layered" accessories, but when she said it I took note. I noticed my fireplace mantel.

I had beautiful artwork above it. I had a mantel clock and a pair of obelisks, some grape vine orbs and on the hearth a plant, a beautiful basket and fireplace tools. What was I trying to do, display everything I had there because it was the focal point? I'm not saying I didn't love it; I did! but I could see what she meant.

Now I have to say, I still love the warm, cozy feeling of lots of accessories, and there is nothing wrong with it, but I feel fresher and calmer when my eye has a place to rest in the room. (And it's so much easier to dust when you only have a few, carefully chosen items!) Maybe I'm just at a place in my life now where I am seeking calm and quiet; visually speaking. Or maybe I've gotten lazy and don't want to dust, whatever the reason I'm encouraging a more minimalist look.

Not only do you have less to distract you, you also have more time to enjoy the best of what you have. Think about your favorite music, now think about listening to it all... at the same time! If you love your accessories and can't stand the thought of getting rid of things, pack up some and rotate them out every few months, then your room has a fresh look and you can appreciate your treasures more!

It's not that I don't enjoy days of reading a good book, I'm just looking for a "quieter" place to read it. "LOL"

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