My Office

My Office
Inspiring Work Space

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nell Hill's Inspired Towel Rack

On my drive from SLC to NC we stopped at Nell Hill's in Atchison, Kansas. I love stores like this! It just goes on and on and there are so many ideas to take home, even if you don't spend a lot of money, you can get inspiration to make projects of your own.

Just inside the front door I saw these wonderful iron hooks for $3/each that had been painted, they looked old and immediately I thought about making a coat or towel rack for Mom and Dad's house. I bought four of them and let the creative juices flow while I was wandering around the rest of the store.
Holiday decor made from old windows!

We (my friend Amy and I) loved that they had used old windows in so many neat ways! This holiday idea is just one of the many uses they had displayed. They had used them as shelves, wall hangings, candle holders, just so many things. So, my little wheels were turning and I decided to use an old window and the hooks to make a towel rack/mirror for the bathroom.

this is what we started with.
Amy knew of a place near her house where I could get an old window for $3, so I got the window in Tennessee to go with the hooks I got in Kansas. My dad had pieces of mirror in his outbuilding so all we had to do was get the mirror cut to size. (I even found the screws in Daddy's building that had the paint on them and they matched perfectly!)

We had to scrape off layers of old paint and remove some rusty hardware and add a narrow board to the bottom to make it wide enough to mount the hooks, but I think the final product turned out just great! We decided that we needed a way to know whose towel was whose, so we used an eyeliner pencil to write our names on the mirror above our towel, which can easily be wiped off, we used brown and it matches the bathroom! See what you think! We love it!

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