My Office

My Office
Inspiring Work Space

Monday, September 6, 2010

a personal note

Mom and Me in SLC in July.
I'm sitting here tonight thinking of so many things and none of them have much to do with designing interiors, exteriors, or anything to do with decor. I'm sitting here tonight thinking of my mom, who I just found out last night, had a stroke over the weekend. I will be leaving SLC tomorrow on my way to NC to be with her for a while, to help her and my dad with whatever I can.

My parents have been remodeling/restoring the house in which my grandmother, and all of her children grew up. They have been in a major transition with this house for four years! The two of them, with the help of my two uncles and and two aunts, have done all of the work. There have been times when they had no floors, holes in the walls (not in the winter months) and saws and tools all over the dining room, etc. My dad has done some beautiful work, and he designed the space himself! It has been tough on them, but they are closing in on the finish line. I'm hoping to be able to help my dad continue with the work and hopefully do some of what I do to make the finished spaces functional and nurture them through this time.

My dad and uncle working on the house! Stay Tuned!
I will be sharing the projects as we go and hopefully we'll do something that will inspire you!  No matter where we are in life things can change in an instant, you can't prepare for something like that, but you can prepare yourself for how you'll respond to it! I hope that no one is offended by my making this so personal, but this is just another example of how life gives us something that affects how we live and we have to adapt our spaces to fit the next phase of our lives! Stay tuned to see how things go!

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